ZigZag Weekly ONLINE has its offices at Room 205, Second Floor, Dali Building, 312 Ferguson Road, Guisad, Baguio City (2600), Tel. No. (06374) 620-3281. It is a reproduction (whole or part) of the ZigZag Weekly circulated in Baguio City and the rest of the Cordillera Administrative Region.
“About Us”
The education of all of us columnists here, except one, were somehow financed by your taxes as we spent some or many years in the University of the Philippines. The exception is Estanislao Albano Jr. but he is the true blue journalist amongst us. He is a product of Manual L. Quezon University where he cut his journalism teeth in the school’s paper.
The editing and proofreading work here is done by a big team. It consists of only ME. I am now big (being so overweight) so the team is big.
An issue is put together in about six hours, so you can imagine how rush, rush it is. If you want anything to be in the issue, its chances would be better if sent early. Final deadline is Friday lunch for those that do not need to be worked on. Remember that I am still a practicing lawyer so on Fridays when I get to sit down to work on an issue, I am already seething with stress. In that state, it is so easy to say FORGET IT about any article.**
Comments made by contributors and columnists do not necessarily reflect the opinion of this paper.