Opportunities summer can offer
Summer can be a springboard for success. If not immediately, in the distant future. The kids can learn a skill or two. If not immediately usable, these can come in ...
The acid test for PDu30 has come to fruition
As we said here several weeks ago, the acid test for PDu30 was the confirmation of the fighting erstwhile DENR Secretary Gina Lopez. She is now past tense as far ...
Investments and a stable legal system
An unstable legal system affects even the hinterlands like the Cordillera. What big company will invest big money to extract whatever minerals we have or energy generating resources like geothermal ...
A dry wet season
It is now almost Christmas and yet no strong typhoon has visited the Cordillera. This typhoon Ulysses whose winds are howling in Baguio City as this was being written is ...