Don’t underestimate your FB account being hacked
In an effort to transmit the immediacy of the matter, I am writing this in the first person. It started with one phone call, and then another, and another… Then ...
Guard your bank accounts
Our editorial last week was on the hacking of our editor’s FB account and how troublesome and dangerous it was. The matter came out in the discussions of a small ...
This predicted long drawn out rainy season
It is now rainy season. As predicted there will be a lot of rain due to the la nina phenomenon. Floods, landslides, blown away houses, destroyed infrastructures and deaths will ...
Dig deeper into pretenders
Another issue stunting our progress as a country or our localities is gambling. It kills initiative to innovate and work hard. It also kills faith in slow but constant progress ...
Life will still be difficult
The resignation of the vice-president as education secretary is a clear sign the election process is already in high gear. Her breaking away from the Marcoses means she is not ...
Politicians as contractors
In almost all, if not all, government projects, the contractors winning the bids are the boys or dummies of the politician head of the handling government unit or agency. Often, ...
Be a boy scout and survive
It was a calamity. The fire gutted several houses at Fairview, Baguio City. Such is one of the worst misfortunes one can go through. A robber can take a lot ...
Let development be done by the people
We heard it before and we will keep on hearing it from our politician leaders. The MSMEs (Micro Small Medium Enterprises) must be supported. That really should be as about ...
Is it an ominous sign?
Right after winning as President and appointing himself as secretary of the Department of Agriculture, PBBM dropped by the central office of that department to have a chit-chat or small ...
The Israelis are on their way home
They don’t even have to receive an official communication they are being called back home. Upon hearing of any trouble in their country which need the cooperation of citizens, they ...
A failed state?
The main responsibility of government to its citizens is to protect them from harm wherever they are. The usual connotation of this is there must be peace and order at ...
Leadership Philippine style
He prodded the government to exert all efforts and resources not to leave behind any of our OFWs in Israel. That they should all be brought back home to safety ...
Did we measure up?
That was the question we faced as we commemorated our dear departed last week. Indeed, did we achieve enough by their standards. Naturally, the standards for a meaningful comparison have ...
Dutertes vs. Romualdezes
Just the other day, in resuming the session of Congress, Speaker Romualdez said, I will stand and fight gainst those who scare us for them to get what they want ...
Nuclear energy, can we handle it?
President Marcos signed several agreements with the US that should eventually lead to the utilization of nuclear energy as part of our sources of energy mix. This is timely considering ...
Who are better prepared for the 3rd world war?
Any war will mean unmentionable hardships. Lucky are we as we still have to experience one. The unluckiest are those who were born at the turn of the century, or ...
What’s the deal?
When the intelligence funds for VP Sara Duterte were realigned to other agencies, it apparently ruffled some feathers especially those of her father. Suddenly, there were talks of some destabilization ...
“Pis-item laengen ta kamatis mo”
That was what a market vendor told a farmer who wanted to sell to her some beautiful tomatoes. Better to just squeeze them and get the seeds for planting next ...
Failure of leaders in the private sector
That is the reason Filipinos are poor. We are not to delve on the failure of political leaders. That has been there since the Spanish times up to the present ...
The usurers will remain happy
During the first year of PDU30’s presidency, there was that ambitious announcement. Neighborhood usurers would soon go bankrupt as the government was allocating an amount to lend to their usual ...