That is our biggest problem. A number of high ranking and influential politicians were recently acquitted by the Sandiganbayan from charges of plunder or graft and corruption. Then there was the appointment of a justice who appears to have been considered to favor such politicians in the dispensing of cases involving public funds.
There could have been hope if the President led the example by steering the national budget towards answering the problems of the masses such as better Philhealth services and education programs to give the poor the chance to earn college degrees and affording them a fighting chance to better their lot.
The people could have supported the Dutertes were it not for the Pharmally scandal involving billions of pesos and the alleged mishandling or mis-spending of Vice President Sarah Duterte’s confidential funds. Not to mention the alleged Davao Death Squads and EJKs.
So the people are caught between the deep blue sea and a hard immovable rock. Who are they going to support in up-coming elections? We, the people, appear to be a cursed lot. No good choices at all.
The President could have assured the political future of his extended family’s progeny had he taken the right path, setting the example. As things are, he is obviously no different from the rest.
The present candidates for the upcoming midterm elections have their moist eyes on the pork barrel ridden national budget.
There, indeed, is no moral strength in our national leadership. And the people’s money will be squandered again. What else is new?**