Benguet coffees emerged as Best in the Arabica Category at the recently concluded 2018 Philippine Coffee Quality Competition particularly in the Arabica category. The winners were announced by an International Judge of the competition, Charlie Habegger of BLue Bottle, USA during the closing program of the successful 3rd Philippine Coffee Conference held at the City of Baguio on March 20-21, 2018. The coffee entry of Oliver Oliem of Atok, Benguet topped the Arabica category with a score of 87.06. Trailing at third is the entry of Restie Lebie Tacio of Atok, Benguet with a score of 85.96 and Belen Macanes of Kibungan, Benguet placed fifth with a score of 85.81. Of the top 6 in the Arabica category, 2nd place went to Juanita Amaba of Davao del Sur at 86.03, 4th to Zaida Besto of Bukidnon at 85.88 and Liezel Siluano of Davao Del Sur at 85.41 bagged the 6th place.
The top 6 winners under the Robusta category as announced by Shoun Ong are the entries of Rodolfo Aciong of Quirino, Ilocos Sur with a score of 85.96, Lorna Libante of Bukidnon at 85.63, Luis Gannad of Del Pilar Ilocos Sur at 85.54, BMMPC Selected Farmers of San Roque, Bukidnon at 85.39, Delio Cesar of Pine Valley Farm of Compostela Valley at 85.3 and Ramon Polipol also of Ilocos Sur at the rate of 85.32.
The Philippine Coffee Quality Competition is now on its second year. This is an activity to raise awareness of Filipino coffee farmers on quality based on international standards. This and last year’s competition was organized by DTI, DA, ACDI-VOCA and BCAA with coffee entries channeled through DTI Regional Offices. A total of 106 samples from 94 farmers were assessed in this year’s competition. Judges say that our coffees were a surprise to them.** Art Tibaldo