Nov. 7, 2021 – Starting Nov.10, Baguio City will allow only vaccinated drivers (including those who received their first dose) of public utility vehicles to ply the city’s mass transport routes.
Mayor Benjamin Magalong in an advisory said the scheme was adopted to bolster protection of the riding public against the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) which remains to be a threat despite the current downtrend in cases, due to easing up of restrictions and reopening of the city’s tourism industry.
“This shall be effective on November 10, 2021, subject to further discussions with stakeholders in the transport sector,” the mayor said.
He said the scheme is supported by the officials of the local federations of taxi and jeepney associations.
The mayor said the plan is part of a wholistic approach as business establishments and other sectors have been vaccinating their employees and members and limiting clientele only to those fully vaccinated to lessen virus transmission risk.
“The mass public transport sector must not be left out in this all-around approach considering that drivers and operators are placed in high risk, close contact environments due to the nature of their work. Additional protection through vaccination is also necessary for their safety, as well as that of their families and their passengers,” the mayor said.
As per the plan, only vaccinated drivers of public utility jeepneys, taxis, UV Express vans and buses will be allowed to drive and traverse in the city.
Cargo vehicles of essential and non-essential goods are not included and will continue to be afforded unhampered passage.
“We are nearing two years of this pandemic, and we know how this virus is shared so let us keep in mind that shielding yourself is as good as shielding those who are close to you,” the mayor said.
“Once again, I urge everyone to get vaccinated while we have readily available and accessible vaccine supplies. To truly heal as one, let us work as one.” **Aileen P. Refuerzo/PIO Baguio