BAGUIO CITY– The Cordillera can be an autonomous region within a federal state or even become a separate state under a federal form of government.
Federalism advocate and former Senate President Aquilino “Nene” Pimentel Jr. bared this during the first North Luzon Federal Forum at Teachers Camp here last August 19. The activity is in support to President Duterte’s push for the transition of the current form of government into a federal one.
Pimentel outlined that it is possible for a sizable sector of the country to exist within a federal state such as the autonomous region of Bangsamoro or lumads and other indigenous peoples’ group. In the case of the Cordillera, it can be an autonomous region within a federal state.
The Cordillera can also become a federal state because they have been fighting for it for a long time. It has been an aspiration of the Cordillera for so long to assert its control over its area and respect for its culture and tradition, Pimentel said.
IP culture and tradition are protected and respected under the federal state. Indigenous systems should be recognized, he said.
He explained that when they made the Local Government Code (LGC), the IPs were not included because lawmakers were focused on the problems of the Muslims.’ When we adapt a federal state, we must include the IPs’ protection as well as of their ancestral domain’, said Pimentel who is acknowledged as the father of the LGC.
He also pointed out the need to clearly define the IP cultures and traditions that need to be protected and respected as well as how these should be respected in the law of whatever federal state they would be in.
Meantime, Ifugao Congressman Teodoro Baguilat Jr. disclosed that along with other Cordilleran lawmakers, they decided to continue to pursue regional autonomy rather than the proposed federalism in which CAR will join Regions 1 and 2 into a federal state.
He stressed that he is for continuing the drive for regional autonomy to emphasize that Cordillerans want to stand alone as a region, whether as an autonomous region within a federal state or as a federal state by itself..**By Carlito Dar