Bontoc, Mountain Province – Personnel of the Provincial Government of Mountain Province and national government agencies are reminded to continue upholding responsiveness, courtesy, integrity and efficiency as public servants.
Senior Human Resource Specialist Vanessa Rose D. Bacwaden of the Civil Service Commission (CSC) – Mountain Province Provincial Field Office led the Panunumpa sa Katungkulan during the regular first Monday Flag Raising program at the provincial capitol last September 5, 2016. Government employees and officials present during the program have sworn to faithfully and conscientiously perform their duties and responsibilities.
In celebration of the 116th Philippine Civil Service Anniversary, Bacwaden urged all agencies to display the CSC anniversary banner in their offices. In relation to this year’s theme, “Sigaw ng Lingkod Bayani: Malasakit para sa Taumbayan, Kapwa Kawani at Kalikasan,” she further encouraged all government agencies to conduct their own agency-based activities such as fun run, bloodletting, clean-up drives and employees’ get together. She explained that the activities are meant to instill “malasakit” or compassion with action for public health, for the environment, for deserving public servants and for the Filipino public who are clients of government service offices coinciding with this year’s theme. “We always have to remember that we are the public servants and that we should always uphold public service excellence,” Bacwaden remarked.
She also reminded all government workers to avoid playing Pokemon Go or any other game applications during official hours. She emphasized that the government’s official time is paid for by the public and should be devoted only to providing continuous and quality public service. “This is considered loafing which is classified as a less serious offense punishable by six months to a year of suspension for the first offense and dismissal from the service for the second offense,” Bacwaden elaborated.
Bacwaden informed those in attendance that the hotline 8888 was officially opened on August 1, 2016 in support of the directive of President Rodrigo Duterte for the establishment of a 24-hour national citizen’s complaint hotline where the public can report corruption and inefficiency in government. Accordingly, this is available 24/7 and calling 8888 is free of charge via PLDT and Smart landline. However, charges apply when a complainant calls via mobile phones. The hotline 8888 which is managed by the CSC recorded a total of 4,848 calls from August 1-26, 2016. Of this number, 707 are related to the Anti- Red Tape Act (ARTA) violations, most of which concern slow processes of transactions, failure to act on requests, unclear procedures, discourtesy of front liners, and fixing activities.
Relative to this, she advised that conversations be brief and direct to the point by simply providing vital details such as name, name of agency being complained of and details of the complaint. Complaints will be referred to the concerned agencies for immediate action. Government agencies concerned are expected to respond within five working days while clients will be updated on the agency’s response or action on the complaints. She added that the public should only lodge legitimate concerns to Hotline 8888 and not to use it for pranks.
Meanwhile, Bacwaden announced that there is no online offering and reservation of the computerized examinations (ComEx) for the Career Service Eligibility offered to the public for the meantime. However, the ComEx is available at the request of government agencies only. She further said that the CSC accommodates requests from government agencies for the conduct of the ComEx for its government employees who need to obtain eligibility to be considered for employment or promotion.
Also, she relayed that the Japan Information and Culture Center (JICC), Embassy of Japan has opened its application for the 2017 Young Leaders Program until September 30, 2016 for a master’s degree in Business Administration, Law, Public Administration, and Local Governance. To qualify, an applicant should be a Filipino citizen, must be a Bachelor’s Degree holder with excellent academic records, and must be highly proficient in English, 40 years old and below, and with at least three to five years of work experience.** Alpine L. Killa, PIO-MP