By Tedler D. Depaynos, MD

It was late afternoon when a bank employee friend called me up because of a “medical problem”. He has been a diabetic for many years which is expected in elderly patients and there were times that he admitted in not taking his medicines not only because of his busy schedule but because anyway he was not “feeling anything”. When he remembers once again the lecture of his endocrinologist that diabetis is an insidious disease meaning that you do not feel anything until complications sets in, he starts once again taking his prescribed medicines faithfully. Actually, this has always been emphasized that once you experience the complications of diabetis, they are usually irreversible!
It was a warm afternoon and my friend was wearing a thick long sleeves black jacket. While seeping his black, unsugared coffee he appeared to be constantly rubbing his arms and some parts of his body. Finally, he presented his “medical problem” by showing his skin rashes, some with bruises due to severe rubbing. Apparently, he was suffering from severe allergy manifested by pruritus and redness in practically all over his body.
Although he admitted that he was once allergic to chicken when he was much younger, he obviously overcame it and it is now one of his favorite food. He just recently shied away from it because of the ongoing “avian flu”. He does not even recall the last time he had any attacks of allergy despite the various medicines he has been taking. On further questioning, he finally admitted that he has been using a certain “diabetic plaster” similar to the well- known “salonpas” that would control his blood sugar. He has been placing 2 and sometimes 4 in his lower extremities for the past weeks and it was only 3 to 4 days ago when he started experiencing the itchiness in his body. Apparently, whatever the contents of his “diabetic plaster” was already being absorbed by that time so that his body started reacting to it.
He admitted it was recommended by one middle aged lady co-employee who proudly boasted the control of her blood sugar. It was my first time to see a “diabetic plaster” and when I inquired from a colleague Endocrinologist the following day, he was likewise ignorant like me. He presumed that it must be an Herbal Medicine. Nevertheless, he wished that my friend would have his blood sugar controlled and will not have the dreaded complications of neglected Diabetis Mellitus like renal failure in the future. Actually that was also my advice to my friend but he has to refrain from using it if it is the cause of his allergy. Meanwhile I prescribed to him some anti-allergic medicines and encouraged him to have his blood sugar examined before we parted.
To reach one’s 85th birthday is truly a blessing especially if you are still strong and can dance the “tayao” raising your arms and kicking with the rhythm of the gongs without any crutches. During his birthday celebration held at Baguio Country Club last August 18, 2017, Atty. Moises Cating just did that to the joy and surprise of not only those who attended but also those who saw his video and pictures circulated in Facebook as they wished him Happy, Happy Birthday. The motif was western and it emphasized that many of the Ibalois led by Onjon ni Ibaloy president, Eroll Tagle, are John Wayne’s idol as they wore their cowboy boots and hats. The oldest attendee was the 97 year old “mambunong”, Lakay Chalinpas who led the murmuring prayers.
As one of those who took time cleaning and shining my borrowed outfit, I just smiled my frustration because I missed the once in a lifetime event especially when I opened my Facebook.
Atty. Cating is one of the first graduates of SLU College of Law. Together with the late Atty. Andres Cosalan, they became successful and well sought after Ibaloy lawyers as they served their community especially their tribe with dedication and charity. Unlike Atty. Cosalan, Atty. Cating was not destined to become a politician but rather a successful businessman.
As I heard, Manang Zenaida “Zeny” Cating, who is a niece of an auntie of mine from the Ilocos, met Atty. Cating after finishing her college course at Baguio Colleges. They bonded well and their bonding eventually became permanent. They are blessed with five siblings who are all professionals and successful in their own chosen fields.
As of this writing, Atty.Cating will continue giving thanks to his blessings by another joyous get together this coming September 1, 2017 at Onjon ni Ibaloy Park. When this column will come out, the butchering of shouting pigs and the rhythmic musical sounds of ganzas and solibaos broken only by the murmuring of silent prayers would have been done.