Bontoc, Mountain Province – Intensified implementation of the anti-dengue initiatives and efforts have been attributed to the decrease in dengue cases in this capital town for August.
This was evident in the report of Municipal Health Officer Dr. Diga Kay Gomez during the Municipal Peace and Order (MPOC) meeting on August 20, 2024, in Barangay Guina-ang Bontoc, Mountain Province. Per record from the MHO, dengue cases for this year started to increase in June with 59 and peaked in July with 89 cases, then decreased to 50 this month as of August 19, 2024.
As of August 19, 2024, based on permanent address, Barangay Samoki has recorded the highest dengue cases with 42, followed closely by Guina-ang with 40. Barangay Caluttit has 34 cases, Bontoc Ili- 32, Poblacion-32, Alab Oriente-1, Alab Proper-3, Balili-1, Bayyo-1, Caneo-four, Dalican -six, Gonogon-six, Mainit-seven, Maligcong-four, Talubin-seven, and Tocucan-eight.
Among the actions taken by the Bontoc Local Government Unit (LGU) through the MHO in collaboration with the Department of Health (DOH), Barangay LGUs, the community, and other partner stakeholders include the regular OplanTaob or clean-up drive in all barangays; indoor and outdoor residual spraying in schools; distribution of Olyset Nets in schools; provision of drum nets to some barangays; and massive Information Education and Communication (IEC) campaign especially on the 5s against dengue to schools and the villages.
Likewise, the Bontoc LGU through the MHO has requested additional logistics from the DOH to which the latter promptly responded; coordinated with the schools regarding the NO Skirt Policy for all learners; and coordinated with barangays and schools regarding the Dengue Monitoring Checklist given by DOH.
While there has been a decrease in dengue cases for August compared to June and July, Dr. Gomez reminded the public not to be complacent. With this, she highlighted the importance of continuous and regular OplanTaob and Clean-Up Drives in all barangays, schools, institutions, and business establishments.
Likewise, she highlighted the importance of the 5S anti-dengue method: Search and destroy mosquito breeding places, Secure safe protection measures, Seek early consultation for fever lasting more than two days, Say yes to fogging during outbreaks, and Sustain hydration.
The continuous and regular OplanTaob and Clean-Up Drives were supported by AlabOriente Punong Barangay Archibald Tabbang as he urged his fellow barangay officials to take the lead in their respective barangays and mobilize residents to participate in clean-up drives to eliminate breeding areas of dengue-carrying mosquitoes.
Meanwhile, with the declaration of Mountain Province under a state of calamity by Sangguniang Panlalawigan (SP) of Mountain Province due to a surge in mosquito-borne diseases, particularly dengue and chikungunya, Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Officer Johanna Padaen advised the Barangay LGUs to utilize their Quick Response Fund (QRF) for their mitigation intervention.
It is to be noted that the Cordillera Regional Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (CDRRMC) has also issued Memorandum No. 98, S. 2024, elevating the Dengue or Mosquito-borne disease level to blue alert status due to the escalating number of dengue cases in the region. ** Alpine Killa-Malwagay, Bontoc LGU