The Civil Service Commission Cordillera Administrative Region will host the Regional Conference of Human Resource Management Practitioners (RCHRMPs) in CAR on December 1 to 3, 2021 via the online platform Zoom.
With the theme, HR Re-Imagined: Transforming the HR Landscape in the New Normal, the participants will learn from esteemed experts and keynote speakers about effective human resource management strategies to transcend changes, uncertainties and challenges in the workplace. The conference aims to highlight the need for adaptability and resilience in today’s workforce and emphasize the importance and roles of HR in the new normal.
CSC CAR Regional Director Marilyn E. Taldo invites all human resource management officers/assistants (HRMOs/HRMAs), administrative officers, planning, budget and finance officers, department heads, local legislators and other personnel who are performing HR-related matters such as members of agency Human Resource Merit Promotion and Selection Board (RHRMPSB), Performance Management Team (PMT), Program on Awards and Incentives for Service Excellence (PRAISE) and Human Resource Development Committee (HRDC) in the region to attend this three-day event/opportunity to converge on topics along the field of human resource and organization development.
There will be four plenary sessions during the event which will focus on the following topics: Re-Defining Employee Engagement; Preparing the Workforce that will Thrive in the #newnormal and Organizational Transformation through Strategic HRM. The participants will also be updated with recent CSC issuances..
A Certificate of Participation bearing twelve (12) leadership and management training hours will be issued to participants. Interested civil servants may register to the event through this link: either on official or personal expense.
An investment fee of P2,000.00 shall be charged from each participant to cover administrative expenses and honoraria of speakers. The fee may be paid to the CSC CAR Regional Office or the nearest Field Office or deposit directly thru fund transfer to the CSC CAR’s Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP) Baguio Account Number 0222-0036-36 with Civil Service Commission CAR as its account name.
For further inquiries you may call the CSC CAR thru the HRD at telephone number 074443-5981 or cellphone number 0908-885-1425.**