By Jan Vicente B. Pekas

Living in the outskirts of the city, though a bit of a hassle when going to town has its certain perks. The spaces of untamed land provide a great space for pets. Spread out all across, the tall grasses and wide spaces give them an opportunity to be a bit “wild” and run amok.
The space is also great for newborns as we have already seen these past few weeks since our only female dog gave birth. Their poops may litter the place but they give extra life to the surroundings. They say we should always start our days off with something positive, and small puppies are the cream of the crop in giving people positive feelings. The sweet innocence only newborns have, radiates feelings that make a day instantly better. It’s not everyday we can enjoy the company of the little furballs, which makes each time being with them even more special.
Every couple of years we always receive small visitors that are born to this world. Though the already five dogs that were here before them made things a little harder to maintain. Thankfully, through trusted friends, some of the pups that have graced us with their company in the past now live in less crowded homes.
That doesn’t mean each separation with the small creatures get easier though. It hurts to let go of puppies you have lived with even if for only a few months. A bond that must be severed takes its time slowly to heal.
With five puppies once again newly added to the already star studded guard dogs we have, a new cycle presents itself.
The separation will eventually happen.
Their adoption will take some time before we all get over it and move on.
We can’t always have all the nice things. I learned that since I was a child whenever we were giving some of our puppies up for adoption.
Whether I wanted to or not, the rational decision was to give them to families that could take care of them better.
We made decisions before that made sense to the head but not to the heart. Some choices require cold pragmatism but some choices leap above the realms of common sense that the heart is needed to push us in taking a leap of faith.
We are creatures that can both think and feel. Adapting is what we had done to get to where we are now.
With our heads and hearts, our faith in both, we can make the correct decisions. Though we still choose the wrong choices now and then, we won’t be completely certain if it was just part of the journey until our time is up.
Like giving away puppies we love, we must use logic in order to have the highest chances of them living to adulthood, but that doesn’t mean the heart won’t weep.