The National Police Commission – Cordillera Administrative Region (NAPOLCOM-Cordillera) announces the nationwide activation of the On-Line Examination Application Scheduling System (OLEASS) in the websites or The period of On-line application scheduling are as follows: for the Philippine National Police Entrance (PNPE) examination it will be on August 1 – 4, 2017; for the Police Officer (PO) examination, August 7- 11, 2017; and for the Senior Police Officer (SPO), Inspector (INSP) and Superintendent (SUPT) examinations, August 14 – 18, 2017.
NAPOLCOM-Cordillera Director Editha Semilla-Puddoc said that the OLEASS is available or will open at 12:00 NN onwards on August 1 for the entrance exam, August 7 for the PO exam, and August 14 for the SPO, INSP and SUPT exams. The period of filing of application at the NAPOLCOM regional office is from August 29 – September 25, 2017 while the nationwide conduct of said examinations is on October 22, 2017. Only applicants with confirmed scheduled appointments with reference number shall be entertained. Acceptance of applications shall be on a ‘first-come, first-served’ basis and, upon due notice, may be stopped even ahead of the deadline.
Dir. Puddoc explained that the PNP Entrance Examination is open to all Filipino citizens who are not more than 30 years old, bachelor’s degree holders, and 1.57 meters for female and 1.62 meters for male in height. Members of Indigenous Communities whose heights are lower than the required height can still apply provided they will submit a Certificate of Confirmation of Tribal Membership issued by the National Commission on Indigenous Peoples (NCIP) or the National Commission on Muslim Filipinos (NCMF), whichever is applicable.
On the other hand, the Promotional Examinations are open exclusively to all qualified uniformed members of the PNP who meet the minimum qualification standards for examination in terms of rank and eligibility.
The printed letter-reply with corresponding reference number shall be presented by the applicant during his/her scheduled appointment date to the NAPOLCOM Regional Office.
In addition, the PNP Entrance applicants must bring two recent, identical 1″x1″ ID pictures (in color) with white background and complete name tag (first, middle and last names); one legal size window envelope with P15.00 worth of mailing stamp; transcript of scholastic record with Special Order issued by CHED or diploma; and Birth Certificate (BC) in Security Paper issued by the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) or Certified True Copy (CTC) of BC issued by the Local Civil Registrar (LCR) and duly authenticated by PSA.
While the applicants for the Promotional Examinations must also bring two recent, identical 1″x1″ ID pictures (in color) with white background and complete name tag (rank, first name, middle name and last name); one legal size window envelope with P15 worth of mailing stamp; a certified true copy of Attested Appointment, Plantilla Appointment or PNP Absorption Order; and a Report of Rating/Certification issued by the NAPOLCOM Central Office, CSC Certificate of Eligibility and/or PRC Board Certificate.
Only duly accomplished application forms with all the required documents filed personally and received by the NAPOLCOM Regional Office on or before the deadline for filing shall be accepted. Applications received through postal mail shall not be processed.
Wait-Listed applicants shall be notified through a system-generated Notification Letter, to be printed out by the applicants themselves, that they are on the Wait-List Category and are required to contact or proceed to the NAPOLCOM Regional Office on September 26-28, 2017 for the filing of applications on a “first-come, first-served” basis, subject to qualifications and availability of vacant slots.
The examination fees are as follows: P400 for the PNP Entrance and PO exams; P450 for SPO exam; and P500 for INSP exam; and P600 for SUPT exam.
Dir. Puddoc further warns all NAPOLCOM examinees from committing any form of cheating. Civilian examinees shall be permanently barred from taking the PNP entrance exam while police examinees shall be charged with dishonesty and, if found guilty, be meted the penalty of dismissal from the service.
Likewise, the public is hereby informed that the so-called NAPOLCOM Examination Review Center is not in any way connected with the NAPOLCOM. The NAPOLCOM has not accredited any review center to conduct review classes, nor published examination materials for the PNP Entrance and Promotional Examinations.
For more details, please contact: NAPOLCOM-EXAMINATION DIVISION, Telefax: 899-0085 / 403-2588, Email:, NAPOLCOM PRS INFORMATION TECHOLOGY MANAGEMENT. Telefax: 8999074, Email: and NAPOLCOM-Cordillera Regional Office, Telefax: 442-7193, hotline: 09165318453, Email:, Facebook account: NaPolCom-Cordillera. **imee guinid-madrid