In almost all, if not all, government projects, the contractors winning the bids are the boys or dummies of the politician head of the handling government unit or agency. Often, the politician is the contractor himself. Not just a partner or investor in the firm. Thus, the biddings are usually rigged. How is that possible? You and I were not born yesterday.
Most of such contractors do not have the necessary capital, equipment, or knowhow to competently accomplish the projects. Their only qualification is their connection.
The results are always sad. Either these are grossly substandard or it takes forever for the projects to get finished, to our interminable suffering and wastage of government funds.
Why is this happening? Because of the country’s weak or even corrupt leadership who rode on to power because of the finances of opportunists. The latter will have to recoup their contributions which they certainly would consider as investments.
How about us, the voters, are they not afraid we know these and they will fall from our graces? That we will not vote for them or their close relations in the next elections? The reality is, a great majority of us have only two-digit IQs, easily taken by propaganda and flimsy reasoning. Even if we are immensely suffering from such dastardly state of affairs.
Our only hope is the proper education of the next generation. But have you ever wondered why our education system is not being fixed? It is the worst in the world. So many of our high school students could not even read or write decent sentences. And take the latest ranking on creativity. Our students were second to the last. What is the windfall from these? The perpetuation in power of the powers-that-be.
So, politicians who are supposed to fix our broken educational system are only interested in grandstanding. Not to really determined to find out what went wrong and to fix it.
How can we keep on tolerating being the laughing stock of the whole wide world?**