By Anthony A. Araos

Filipino voters have a lot of more pressing reasons to think of food security as a major concern in the May 12, 2025 midterm polls..
High prices of commodities are presently affecting middle-income bracket Filipinos. The same fate befell even more those in the lowest brackets, particularly those belonging to the 4Ps (PantawidPamilyang Pilipino Program) category. Today, the “poorest of the poor” are feeling the brunt of the very high cost of living.
If pulling down the prices of rice, meat and vegetables is nearly impossible in the next six months because “shortages” are likely to occur, that’s a big problem for the government. Government bigwigs should have examined the movement of prices more seriously.
It will also be interesting to see how the Department of Social Welfare and Development’s (DSWD) “food stamp” program will respond to the growing needs of food provisions for 4P’s beneficiaries.That, analysts and observers say, will increase risks and vulnerabilities due to food security impacts.
It’s not as if the “food stamp” program is riddled with loopholes. The program benefits 3,000 families, with tap cards loaded with Php 3,000 worth of food credits. It’s digitally operated, not a voucher. Recipients are provided with “supplemental foods.” Food basket is 50 percent carbohydrates and 20 percent protein loaded. This innovative approach assures the timely provision of food which is nutritious and balanced, giving impoverished families a fighting chance to improve their well-being.
A major flaw, however, is the fact that the Php 3,000 is simply not enough to cushion the impact of spiraling prices of commodities. Addressing this matter requires adjusting this so-called cash-aid to prevailing inflation rates. Please, please, please raise this amount toPhp 6,000. The socio-economic benefits surely exceed the costs. There is a reason why preferential treatment should be given to “food stamp” program grantees. They made it to the list because their families are “poor and near poor.” It is an “open secret” that the peso has a very low purchasing value. The peso’s value continues to shrink each second. The uncertainty of the “food stamp” program is easily attributed to the peso’s ever-decreasing value. It should be particularly beneficial to the less fortunate Filipinos in acknowledging the fact that these days rice, pork, fish and eggs are so expensive. The national government should exert the best possible effort to strengthen this program. The “food poor” (those who rated themselves as poor based on the food that they eat) issue is for real. Poor families are getting distressed by sky-high food prices. To lift them out of hunger, government programs and initiatives as the “food stamp” should be responsive and effective. Social protection to reduce poverty and vulnerability is the order of the day. A firm commitment by incoming leaders of Congress to enhance the status of 4Ps beneficiaries is called for. This will truly provide them meaningful relief.
Certainly, it is an exceptional feat for the government to explore more avenues to reinvigorate these cash-aid programs as it was claimed that “no funds are available.” To that, I say baloney. Haven’t it crossed your minds that there are humongous“confidential and intelligence funds” of some Honorable officials.
Providing them enough money to buy food is the key to the program’s success. Inadequate doled out money is useless if it does not lead to elevating the quality of life.
The stakes are high in enhancing the welfare and living standards of poor Filipinos. After all, they deserve fair access to food. One can only imagine the scenario of really putting into office in 2025 competent, right-thinking and well-meaning candidates for Senator- instead of crooks, clowns and showbiz stars. It’s simply because lawmakers should deliver on their responsibility. Well, it’s time to make a positive change!
Thank goodness, the DSWD Secretary Rex Gatchalian, is known for being knowledgeable on the life situation of the poor. Other politicians may listen to him and submit to the wisdom of this initiative. **