The Asian Development Bank (ADB) will conduct a survey of deep wells, shallow wells and spring water sources in the city as part of the Baguio Resilient City Tourism Project (BRCTP).
Mayor Benjamin Magalong issued an authority dated Feb. 16, 2024 for enumerators to undertake the survey and inspect addressed to owners and users of deep wells, shallow wells and spring water sources
He said the survey to be undertaken from February to March is part of the Baguio City-ADB Water Source and Consumption Monitoring Study and the ADB Study on the Development of the Baguio City Water Supply Assessment and Plan for Water Consumption Monitoring and will complement the Sanitation Tariff Determination and Implementation Study related to the BRCTP.
“The survey shall cover the household, commercial and government sectors within the city in areas assumed for as currently not served by the Baguio Water District including customers of the John Hay Water Systems and locators within the John Hay Special Economic Zone,” the mayor said.
The City Environment and Parks Management Office under Atty. Rhenan Diwas and Engr. Marivic Empizo said the survey will cover the 1,001 deep wells and water sources inventories earlier by the CEPMO and the Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR).
The survey aims to capture data like other sources of water of the households, water consumption and number of persons using water particularly from water users of the 1,001 deep wells, shallow wells and spring sources already identified and currently assumed to be not served by the BWD” and to identify locators within the JHSEZ not connected to the JHSEZ wastewater treatment plants and to determine the sources and consumption of said locators.
The mayor sought the cooperation of the water source owners noting the importance of the results of the study in developing and maintaining infrastructures vital in protecting the health of the city’s residents and visitors. ** Aileen P. Refuerzo