There is this Chinese proverb, “Behind every great wealth is a great crime.”
This is in contrast with our adoration of material wealth. Everything now is valued proportionately to its price in the market.
Yet where did all begin? God arranged things for Jesus not to be born in a luxurious hotel or inn. His Father even had to beg for a space so he could at least he given birth to. And the only available space was the barn of an inn. Thus, he was born in a very humble situation. God could have easily arranged otherwise.
But that would have delivered the wrong message, the most important message of all, spirituality. It could not be achieved through great wealth, political power or prestige. That could only be done through humility.
And after thousands of years, we still refuse to appreciate that most important message of all. Due to our stupidity or shallow mindedness, we turn away from that message. Even with the scare or the prospect of burning in hell forever.
We now worship “goons, guns and gold,” even if the only way to achieve greatness though these things is by committing great crimes.
The only way to redeem ourselves is to revisit that real message of Christmas and to remember it and celebrate it everyday of the year, rather, every minute of it.**