By Penelope A. Domogo, MD
This column has been discussing a lot how bad or excessive food and drink are making a lot of people sick. Meaning there are foods that we are eating at present that are toxic to our bodies. This issue we deal with toxins that are not seen but are as deadly or even more deadly than our physical bad food. For this topic, I draw greatly from the books of Bo Sanchez, a famous, multi-awarded and best-selling Filipino author, who has written about how to live well and happy, in the holistic sense. I highly recommend that you seek out his books in your nearest bookstore. They are easy to read, they make you laugh and contain loads of wisdom. I buy his books from National Bookstore. I am sure Mr. Bo won’t mind if I copy from his book.
It is an accepted fact that our emotions, our thoughts, our attitude, all impact a lot on our overall health. This is why I prefer the Igorot word “gawis” to describe the desired condition of a person. The word “gawis” is a holistic term which describes a feeling of wellbeing and strength. The problem with the English word “health” is that society has come to associate it with only physical health as measured by blood pressure, weight, blood cholesterol, creatinine and all those measured by western gadgets. But did you know that 85% of all diseases are rooted in our emotions? That’s according to research. Modern society, however, does not encourage the regular doctor to address these issues. We, western-trained doctors, are conditioned to shoot diseases with medicines or surgery. A pill for every ill. We are not trained to listen to long dramas except when we are trained in psychiatry. This is sad.
Mr. Bo says that emotions make us sick in two ways: 1) when we have too many negative emotions and 2) when we have too few positive emotions. Well, these 2 are complementary – if you have too many negative emotions, you don’t have room for positive ones. So if you want to be healed, reverse the situation. Increase your positive emotions so as not to give space for negative ones.
Emotions are energies in motion. Meaning they are not designed to be there forever. That’s why it is not wise to base major decisions, like getting married or cutting off a relationship, on your feelings. You might feel so in love with a person while you are dating and then after you are married, you lose that loving feeling and you don’t like your spouse anymore and you call it quits. You can also become so angry that you want to hit your child or your spouse, only to feel that it’s not so bad pala after you calm down. Thus the saying that when you are angry, count to ten before taking any action.
Some people, however, like to keep anger bottled up inside and will just explode at a seemingly small issue. Anger is an emotion. Mr. Bo says “God never designed your body to keep anger for a long time. Anger’s purpose is to spur you to action. Once that purpose is fulfilled, you should get rid of your anger by forgiveness.”… “Anger has an expiry date.” Just like western medicine, once it is past that date, “it becomes poison in your body.” You have to bring out the anger and “surrender it to God.” Who else will you give it to who is strong enough to take it. Not the person next to you. Not to me, either. Take note that emotions are energies and energies impact on anything or anybody that it touches. Negative emotions are negative energies.
Now the problem is compounded if you don’t acknowledge your anger or sadness or hurt. You ask “Kumusta ka?” And they answer “Gawis” but deep down they have some emotional baggages. Some people will bury their anger or loneliness or hurt in the recesses of their mind and these are removed from their consciousness but they are there anyway. Many escape these negative feelings by going into alcohol, smoking, drugs, food, shopping and other addictions. “Addictions are really emotional anesthesia.” We know these won’t solve the problem. These negative energies will later on manifest physically as disease- usually as pains in the various parts of the body or allergies, ulcers, digestive and respiratory problems, cancer, etc. As mentioned earlier, 85% of diseases are rooted in emotions.
And how do we increase our positive emotions so as not to give room for negative ones? Meaning how can we be happy more often? Let me again share what Mr. Bo recommends (I can’t do better.). He mentions just two ways. First is to be more grateful. We really have a lot to be grateful for in this life – our breath, our wonderful selves, our wonderful family and neighbors. If your neighbor is a cranky old lady, try to see something positive in her, like her well-kept flowers and thank her for that. She might turn sweet. I thank God for our beautiful environment. Geez, many people spend a lot just to come to Sagada to experience our refreshing air and beautiful scenery and I live here! Thank God for the birds, the bees, the flowers and the trees and the moon and sun up above. And the thing called love. I can go on and on. Second is trust. Trust in God, not our limited human understanding. Many times we trust other people more, we trust the factory more and we trust our gadgets more than the Creator. Trust God that He loves us so much and wants the best for us. Trust Him that He has designed us to be healthy, to be happy, and to be really “gawis”. ***
“A cheerul heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones.” Proverbs 17:22**