By Penelope A. Domogo, MD

Yes, you read it right. Beans do not cause arthritis. If you are looking for proof, just review history anywhere in the world and you will discover that people in the past had beans as their staple food (except perhaps in reindeer country). Igorots ate beans almost daily- green beans, dried beans (white, black, red, green/yellow mungo). And they did not have arthritis. They climbed mountains, crossed rivers, walked long distances and carried heavy load. You could not do those with arthritic or gouty knees.
Then you ask, “Why does my arthritis gets worse or “kumaro” when I eat white beans?” That’s it! You already have arthritis and beans can aggravate it. How does it aggravate arthritis or gout? Well, beans contain purines which are broken down into smaller substances with uric acid as a byproduct. Okay sana ito because your body can handle the uric acid from the beans but then you added pork to the beans. Then you also drank coffee with sugar, you ate white rice, pandesal, and even drank soft drinks. More uric acid is produced and its excretion is hampered. Excess uric acid form into crystals and these are deposited in your knees, hips and other joints. Arraaay! Just imagine those crystals- actually they look like ultra fine glass splinters through the microscope- beautiful but deadly!
Meat, especially red meat and organ meats, is so rich in purines, that is why pinapaitan and dinardaraan are so notorious in triggering arthritic or gout attacks. Meat has a higher purine content than beans. Meat also contains fat which can trigger inflammation and adversely affect kidney function.
On the other hand, beans contain fiber as we discussed in our January 5 issue. This fiber is important in reducing purine absorption, improving gut and kidney health resulting in lower uric acid levels. Beans also contain anti-inflammatory compounds. Thus even if we eat beans every day in the traditional indigenous community, we do not have any health issue. In fact, beans, eaten with whole grains (meaning unpolished rice), vegetables and minimal meat and minimal processed food, gave us strength and good health, then and now.
Take note, however, that this healthy diet has to be accompanied by a physically active life and you have to drink a lot of water. The uric acid produced from beans is easily flushed out by our kidneys.
In summary, beans do not cause arthritis or gout. Beans are a healthy food. There’s no doubt about it- they were created by a loving God. It is what we mix in our traditional diet that is the problem. ***
“O Lord, how manifold are your works! In wisdom have you made them all..” (Psalm 104:24a)