BAGUIO CITY(PIA) – – The Cordillera region is under minimal epidemic risk with the downtrend in COVID–19 cases continue in all areas but the vaccination drive has still to be strengthened especially in the three provinces that remain under Alert Level 2.
DOH – CAR Epidemiologist Karen Lonogan, in the March 17 Kapihan media forum, reported that there were 62 active cases in Cordillera and in general, the region remains at minimal epidemic risk level with low 2 – week growth rate (2WGR) of negative 73 percent, low Average Daily Attack Rate (ADAR) of 0.68 per 100,000 population and low Health System Capacity (HSC) of 16 percent.
Based on the Inter – Agency Task Force Against COVID – 19 classifications, the provinces of Abra, Apayao, Baguio City and Kalinga are under Alert Level 1 while Benguet, Ifugao and Mountain Province are still classified under Alert Level 2 as they are yet to achieve the required vaccination target, in terms of fully vaccinated individuals among their projected population and among the senior citizens in their areas.
“There is still a need to ramp up the vaccination especially in Benguet, Ifugao and Mountain Province. The vaccines work with less death/severe-critical cases among vaccinated COVID-19 cases,” Lonogan stressed.
The Baguio General Hospital and Medical Center, in the same forum, also reported a downtrend in COVID – 19 admissions, where from 567 cases in January, it went down to 190 in February, and further to 23 cases in the first two weeks of March.
BGHMC Infectious Disease Specialist Dr. Bernard Demot also affirmed lesser admissions from vaccinated individuals. “Currently, there are eight active cases in BGHMC and six of them are unvaccinated. Of the active cases, one is mild, four are moderate, two are severe and one critical,” Demot said.
DOH – CAR Assistant Regional Director Dr. Amelita Pangilinan reminded the public that even with the improving COVID – 19 health indicators, people must continue to follow minimum public health standards and safety protocols as COVID-19 remains.
Pangilinan also advised the unvaccinated individuals to get their jabs done and for fully vaccinated people to get their booster shots for added protection.
The DOH has adopted a new “BIDA” advocacy campaign for Alert Level 1, where B stands for best – fitted mask at all times; I – isolate/stay home when feeling sick; D – double up protection with vaccine primary series and booster; and A – airflow exchange is good. **JDP/CCD-PIA CAR