By Anthony A. Araos

Kiangan’s scenic landscapes have a strong quality to attract a huge number of local and foreign tourists.
Truly, the town has more for the visitor to see, do, explore, learn and enjoy. It is for this reason that there is a good reason for tourists to visit the Pangagawan Cave this yuletide season holidays.
This natural wonder is no ordinary cave. It is surely a major point of interest for the town’s tourism industry since it is an interesting place to understand and appreciate God’s hand in the creation of the world. It speaks of countless years of evolutionary changes. There’s a lot to think about how it was like in an era far different from the present.
No matter how you feel about cellphones, laptops, computers or airplanes, the bottom line is to know the significance of the past and connecting it to the present. It is something to be thankful for to the Almighty Creator. It is something to be happy about.
It is simply irresistible for tourists to experience the extraordinary experience when exploring the Pangagawan Cave. The rock formations in the cave are spectacular views for both international and domestic visitors.
It speaks of one’s eagerness to realize how wonderful is the cave’s waters and air. Truly, refreshing and relaxing each second of your stay.
Why endure the dirty air and noisy atmosphere of Metro Manila when a tourist can have much more with the cool and invigorating adventure at Pangagawan Cave. It is, after all, the state of one’s health at stake, the choice then is very clear.
Aptly described as “a gem of nature,” the Pangagawan Cave’s surroundings are home to a bio-diverse community of amazing life forms.
Kiangan is so privileged to have this great attraction. In and out of the Pangagawan Cave, life abounds and sparkles. It is also a reminder that caves are important in the lives of Filipinos in this part of Ifugao province.
From a handful number of inbound tourists in Ifugao to a sizeable one, the need to open avenues to the province’s wealth of natural wonders easily arises.
Likewise, there is a need to improve facilities in tourist sites. Currently, even the conditions of public restrooms are terrible. If you want to attract visitors to newly-found, lesser-known destinations in Ifugao, there is a pressing need to seriously look into accessibility and improved public service and facilities.
Improvement of tourism roads is vital in developing potential attractions in far-away, still undiscovered destinations. In turn, this could boost the livelihood opportunities of the people thereby increasing their incomes.
In a recent conversation with former Ifugao Vice Governor Nora Dinamling, I saw in her eyes and voice the strong interest to act swiftly and decisively on the province’s pressing problems. We discussed a wide range of concerns in the province. It drifted from poverty incidence to the lack of a hospital in the capital town of Lagawe.
Past revisited: Her squabbles with contractors were an open secret. Probably, it still persists.
I told her not to be bothered by them. All you need is just one Contractor- the people. They elected you, thus, you have a contract to serve them. Out of this all-important and binding contract, you gain the confidence of your constituents.
It’s not the money! The Filipino people have always been the greatest resource of any public servant.
Over the years, Dinamling has shown a fortunate tendency to shield the people from various burdens and invariably promote their welfare.
Just in case she decides to throw her hat in the political arena in 2019, she might subsequently make history as the first woman to be elected as Governor, I told her to work on the following agenda: pursue a genuine agricultural development strategy, improve administration and management systems at the provincial government, strengthen the basic education system, discard outdated and ridiculous tourism programs, accelerate infrastructure spending- most especially in remote villages (barangays) and ensure the attractiveness of Ifugao to investors.
Like in the other 80 provinces in the country, there are more female voters than the male ones in Ifugao. It is still an impoverished province whose congressman, governor, vice governor and ten board members are all male.
Presently, Ms. Dinamling is the chairman of the Hugpong Federal Movement of the Philippines-Ifugao Chapter. She is a staunch supporter of President Duterte. To Ms. Dinamling: God bless and more power!
I attended recently a “major” wedding ceremony in Lagawe. I was shocked by the shabby and poor treatment of the elderly and PWDs. When lunch was about to be served, an announcement was heard and people were told to line up for the food- to include senior citizens and disabled persons. By their own words and actuations, those who are supposed champions of the cause of the aged and PWDs have in fact put into a bad light themselves.
There was no need whatsoever for the elderlies and PWDs to fall into the very long line. Each time I see a senior citizen or PWD sweating it out in such a kilometric line, my heart bleeds. I strongly deplore it as “outrageous,” to say the least. Why not serve them their food?
In fact, there should have been a designated area for them to eat. I am just advising you what to do the next time around.
I spoke briefly recently at the Indigenous People’s 20th Year celebration program of Ifugao. It was held at Gazebo Restaurant in Lagawe and sponsored by the National Commission on Indigenous People’s-Ifugao.
I enlightened about 40 IP leaders from the province’s 11 towns on the need to implement quickly the provisions of the indigenous people’s mandatory law in legislative bodies. To correct misconceptions of some, I said there is no problem on the law itself and the budgetary requirements. What then is the problem? My answer: Political will!
It is admittedly difficult to implement the law if an official does not want to exercise his political will.
I submit that it is high time to appoint an Indigenous People’s sectoral representative at the Sangguniang Panlalawigan who shall constantly articulate and advance the interests of the IPs. I was compelled to speak on this concern to set the record straight and I remain committed to help them in realizing the goal.
Congratulations and Best Wishes to the newly-wed couple Jezrreel Maguiwe and Aya Dinamling. The groom is the son of Board Member Noli Maguiwe and the former Josie Ngayaan, a teacher in Aguinaldo town, while the bride is the daughter of Joseph Dinamling and Tokue Genko, a Japanese national.
Finally, some thoughts for our readers: “It is the working man who is the happy man. It is the idle man who is the miserable man.” Benjamin Franklin
“Evil is the exercise of power to benefit self or family, not society. Evil is the exercise of power to intentionally harm psychologically, hurt physically or destroy mortality. Land reform in the Philippines died in Congress. To solve evil is to give the farmers social justice.” Solita Monsod, former director general of the National Economic Development Authority.**