PDu30 once said during the campaign that the best president this country ever had was then President Ferdinand Marcos Sr. who later became a dictator. If there was anything PDu30 must learn from those years, Marcos knew that the US was a big factor in maintaining his hold on power. With that American loyalty, the late dictator was never toppled from his perch on the highest spot in this country’s political totem pole. That is, until the people got united against him.
What was President Marcos looking at then? He was mindful of the earlier downfall of the presidency of Salvador Allende of Chile. The leftist that he was, Allende’s hold on power was short lived. Secretly, the US Central Intelligence Agency declared war on him. They worked for the downfall of Chile’s economy. An embargo was enforced and the economy started faltering as it was dependent on Amercian trade and other business relationships.
For instance, Chile’s industrial machines were dependent on American spare parts. When the flow of these were blocked, the economy started going haywire. People started going hungry and they started denouncing Allende. A US backed coup was at his palace’s gates when he committed suicide in 1973.
What is the relevancy of that in this country? Well, the shift of PDu30’s foreign policy towards China can either be good or bad. Bad in the sense that the Chinese have started taking advantage of us. They are cementing their hold on the West Philippine sea and what are we getting from them? Nothing.
While there were promises of financial assistance and a stronger trade relations, look at what we are getting. The trains we bought from them are good for nothing that the government’s plan now is to return these to China. And we have paid for these with an advance of about P800 million.
On the other side of the spectrum, had we maintained our close ties with the USA, would we be in a better situation? Perhaps not. As far as the world economy is concerned, all roads will continue to lead to China in the next 100 years. Can the US for instance come to our aid in case of conflict with China? Certainly not. The US has to take into consideration its big corporations’ (big election financiers) humongous business relations with the Chinese. And what if the US is embroiled in a Middle East war where Israel is actively involved? Will the US drop everything there and come to battle for our sake?
Certainly not. In the first place, the US will never forsake Israel, the country of the Jews. Why? Because nobody can become US president without the support of the Jews who control the US and European, if not the whole world’s, economy.
So why is PDu30 still in power despite the unprintable curses he had been spouting against then President Obama? Well, the CIA might be biding its time. For one, there is a still strong public support for PDu30. When that wanes because of abuses, then it might be time. An assassin’s bullet is just one bullet.
Who will take over? The answer to that is another thing the CIA must be sure of before mounting a serious move.
What is the point? Without a strong public support, the PDu30 administration would be a goner.
And we have to pity ourselves. We are just a small pawn in an international political game of chess.**