It has been going on. Cancer patients resorting to drinking marijuana tea to alleviate the pain. Some of them even lived longer. While this has yet to be medically proven, the ability of the tea from those five-fingered leaves to somehow ease the excruciating pain when malignant tumors are hitting a nerve has been medically validated.
Not only in serious diseases is marijuana being utilized for their management. Many people are using it to control run of the mill maladies such as flu. As one local taxi driver said, all he needs to combat the flu is one glass of marijuana tea in the morning. If the virus is kind of recalcitrant and would still persist after about eight hours, another glass would surely do the trick.
Those who had been using marijuana tea would swear that it contributes to their well-being and that it was not addicting. This is of course according to them.
In one town in the Cordillera where policemen cut truckloads of marijuana plants in several hectares of forest land and brought these to the municipal building for storage, and where elderly men were allowed to get some from which to make tea, it was observed that they kept coming back for more. The policemen, suspecting addiction, conducted an informal investigation on the men. They found out that the elderly men’s nights became lively as their libido got perked up.
Perhaps, these were also observed in a number of states in the US such that they now have marijuana clinics and billions of dollars were invested to come up with marijuana plantations.
The difference between us and the US is our government is very inefficient when it comes to enforcement of regulatory rules. Government officers might end up running illegal but very lucrative marijuana dealing operations.
Strictly supervised, however, the medical use of marijuana can greatly improve the quality of life of the terminally ill and might save the lives of a number of elderly men who use Viagra without doctor’s supervision (sometimes causing heart attacks) in a vain effort to prove their long gone virility.**