By Jan Vicente B. Pekas

In a classroom filled with those eager to learn, eager to sleep, and eager to eat, your attention can be all over the place. Depending on the time you slept last night, you can’t even comprehend what the teacher is saying. If you slept late, then you will most likely have skipped breakfast and gone to school tired and hungry. In these days that happens too often, learning proceeds at a sluggish rate.
When I find myself bored or tired, I find it easier to learn instead from my classmates. Sometimes I even learn more from them than the teachers up front.
Whether it’s how they write or how they present, every person has a unique way to express his own creativity. Though I can’t completely copy them, there are some points that I try to learn on my own. Each student has their preferred set of words to use when presenting. They use them in different orders and stress at different parts than others.
Since presenting in class is a task that shows up very often in school, the opportunities to learn from others are many. Some teachers can present in such a way that makes it easy to understand, but it can get very boring especially towards the end.
I find it more exciting to watch my classmates since they offer different ways of going through a task.
With their writing that I have read, it taught me creative ways to make a piece more personal and unique. It’s fun to read and learn about others’ style in writing. Even if writing is not something they are confident in, everyone has a style that can’t be copied. Everyone has something to offer, depending on the reader, if they take the time to carefully read their work then they can even learn more than just what the teacher is writing in front.
Learning from peers can be valuable. When one is hungry enough, then they can find knowledge in the very odd of places.
In the college setting where everyone has polished to a certain degree their specialties, a classroom is always a goldmine for knowledge. From academics to common everyday events, anyone can learn from anyone about all kinds of things.
Since classroom is an environment of learning, then they are hidden all over the place. The common place to find them is with the teacher up front, but the rare treasures are meant to be harder to find. Make the whole world your classroom, seek and ye shall find. No one is smart enough to stop learning and no one should be too good to learn only from expensive teachers. **