The Regional Development Council-CAR through its Watershed and Environmental Management Sectoral Committee has endorsed to the Department of Environment and Natural Resources the Integrated River Basin Management and Development Master Plans for Abra and Apayao-Abulug for funding and implementation.
For the Abra River Basin, a total of P17,695 million funding is needed for the implementation of several programs, projects and activities aimed for its conservation, protection and management to be implemented until 2030.
For the Apayao-Abulug River Basin, a fund amounting to P18,226 million is needed for the various programs, projects and activities also to be implemented until 2030.
Both master plans include components such as water resources management; watershed management and environmental conservation; climate change adaptation and disaster risk management; and coastal and aquatic resources management.
Under the water resources management component, projects to be undertaken are the establishment of irrigation, drainage, domestic water systems and small water impounding projects among others. Institutional and research development activities will also be initiated.
On the aspect of watershed management and environmental conservation, agroforestry activities specifically planting of rubber, coffee and cacao among others will be done for reforestation and livelihood purposes. Other investment under this component is the conduct of researches and feasibility studies on basin sediment transport, soil erosion modeling, soil management, water management and biodiversity conservation. The use of renewable energy such as solar and biomass is also being eyed. To ensure integrity of the river basin, a continuous information drive will be conducted among various stakeholders in the area of environmental law enforcement.
In terms of climate change adaptation and disaster risk management, structural projects will be implemented such as slope and/or river protection; small water impounding projects; flood control or weirs; and automatic weather stations.
Weather monitoring activities and preemptive measures will also be strengthened to ensure safety of communities living within or near the river basins. Further research related to climate change mitigation and adaptation and disaster risk management will also be explored.
Under the last component, coastal and aquatic resources management, integrated coastal resource management and biodiversity conservation; enterprise development; inland and//or coastal solid waste management; and research development among others are those that will be undertaken.
The Abra and Apayao-Abulug River Basin master plans have long been formulated in 2015 but were revised to incorporate the climate change adaptation and mitigation and disaster risk management component.**By Giovani Joy Fontanilla