Bontoc, Mountain Province – About 82 students from the province are to benefit from the Special Program for Employment of Students (SPES) this summer 2019.
SPES is a joint program of the provincial government and the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) that aims to provide opportunities to disadvantaged but deserving students to earn this summer through employment.
During last week’s filling of SPES form and submission of requirements, Public Employment Services Officer Ernesto B. Emilio said that the SPES will cater to secondary and college students including Out of School Youths (OSY).
“Admission of applications is based on a first come-first served policy. Said policy is determined by the completeness of the submitted requirements and timeliness of submission,” Emilio said.
He also mentioned that the students will be working for 20 days with a daily wage of 406.09 per day. Based on the plan, the high school recipients and OSYs will start on May 31, 2019 while college students will start on July 1, 2019.
Emilio disclosed that the provincial government will provide a 60% share while the DOLE will provide the remaining 40% as counterpart for the implementation of the program.
Among the qualifications are a recipient must be 15 years of age (before the duration of the work) to thirty years of age; the joint taxable income of parents or guardians for year 2018 should not exceed the amount of P 130,620 and must have at least passed 75% of the total units enrolled during the first semester for college and senior high school students.
Meanwhile, the recipients of the program were reminded to submit the post requirements of the SPES program by the provincial government and the DOLE after completing their working days.
The provincial government requires the submission of accomplishment reports that should be duly signed by the student/ OSY and the barangay chairman or assigned supervisor above their printed name while the DOLE requires the proof of enrolment. The proof of enrolment could either be a certification of enrolment signed by the school principal (for high school students) and the college registrar (for college students or any official receipts of school fees duly signed by an authorized signatory.** Erwin S. Batnag