By Atty. Antonio P. Pekas
No matter how past kingpin politicians of Mountain Province will argue about their lack of fault on the failure to build the bridge in Sabangan that was demolished to give way to the building of a new and better one, its not having been built for many years will always remain as proof of their incompetence. After it was demolished, the people of Mountain Province suffered a lot for many years going through the narrow and rough detour which included having to cross a makeshift bridge.
It was and will always be a cause for embarrassment on the part of Congressman Dalog and the former Gov. Leonard Maya-en. It was a part of their job. It was causing a big inconvenience to their constituents.
Nothing was ever done about the problem. Hopefully, after Lawin and with the new governor of the province, something will happen.
How about the engineers at the DPWH? Suffice it to say, they would not be in government offices if they were competent in the outside or private sector engineering world.
What kind of bridge should be built? It should be a lot sturdier, bigger or wider, and higher from the river bed to accommodate the effects of climate change. What effects? The rains and storms are becoming stronger, and oftener.
What are other possible things to consider? The effects of actions of politicians. As everyone knows, the mountains that host the tributaries to the Chico River and other rivers and Mountain Province are fast becoming bald.
And who deforested these? Kaingeros and politicians.
Take the Chico River. A very big part of the water flowing through it come from the Mt. Data area which is considered a forest reserve. Yet parts of it were caused to be titled in the names of Mountain Province politicians. Some of them sold these to third persons but others are still maintaining “their lots” which their progenies or descendants will soon inherit.
So if you suffered some damage on account of the high water level of the Chico River during typhoon Lawin, you can blame it on some politicians. Some of them might be strutting around in your midst acting as if they are respectable.
In anticipation, therefore, of higher and stronger rampaging waters of the Chico River, any bridge that should be put up spanning it should be “over designed” by today’s standards. Would it not be appropriate to put up a suspension bridge with no posts in the middle in lieu of the Chico Karayan bridge?
The slow action to solve the isolation of Bontoc, Mountain Province and other nearby towns was expected. Government is always slow compared to the private sector. We have to live with it. Otherwise, this would not be the Philippines. Otherwise, we would not be a third world country.
Incidentally, the only Mountain Province politician trying to do something about the deforestation or abuse of Mount Data is Bauko mayor Abraham Akilit. We should have worked together on that, particularly, in the filing of a case for a Writ of Kalikasan but my hypertension got in the way at the last minute.
I am still dealing with it. I could not have risked it for I could have suffered from some serious consequences which could be irreversible in nature.
My health was paramount while the case would have been just another case. I had to, and still have to, view it that way.**