Changes have been coming since the beginning of time. But the past few years did not only prove devastating to humanity. When we finally got out of the Covid-19 pandemic, the ensuing reality turned everything upside down.
The various social media platforms did not only close down traditional media outfits. It junked the way we used to think. Everything is now being done in a shortcut way. It had been brewing since texting became in vogue. Now, people prefer to read just a few sentences in order to get by. A paragraph of the usual length is not favored. Very soon advertisers will have to adjust their techniques in catching people’s attention. Instead of saying “rich in vitamin A” perhaps just say “vitamin A” accompanied by an innocent joyful kid’s face with glowing skin and sparkling eyes.
Then the technological changes have reached a vengeful pinnacle. They are on the verge of making older people with only dinosaur technical abilities become irrelevant.
Career visions now have to be readjusted, including priority areas of concern. The world is fast becoming smaller everyday as time’s movement appear to have entered a new dimension moving at a warp speed.
Political groups and businesses also have to change according to how the men or women at the top look at things.
Easier said than done as things have yet to finally settle down for us to come up and verify the right directions to take. Everything is in a flux, changes coming from all directions. Yet the basics will still be the basics. People will still be responding to stimuli and caring for spaces under our control. Under the kind of pressure we can bear or manage.
So, these coming weeks or the new year, we just have to try and figure out how to ride the changes. How effective we would be will be the main determinant of the difference between survival and extinction.**