This is the time of year to be upbeat. This is the time for spending. For those who have nothing to spend, there is still the best reason to celebrate. The fact you are reading this is reason enough. For everyday millions of people are unable to wake up, and never will. So we should celebrate each day with gratefulness and reverence.
Moreover, you are some of the luckiest if you don’t need money to be happy these holidays. It means you are living well, not dependent on material things money can buy. Yours is based on the real thing.
Ever wondered why Jesus Christ was born in a barn and not in a five star hotel? For he knew what limitless happiness is about. You cannot satisfy that through finite stuff. You keep wanting more and more. The only limitless thing is the Holy Spirit. Realizing it or how to get attuned with it is the most valuable knowledge.
The simpler your life is, the better this season. You don’t have to worry about cholesterol or uric acid intake. You will not have to nurse a hangover the next day, or have to gulp Alka-Seltzers or pain killers. And you will not feel guilty about having incurred useless expenditures when there are so many others badly in need.
That being said, the best activity to undertake this Christmas season is to do something in aid of others, particularly for those who are on the verge of losing hope.
Not only will you feel useful or Christian. Deep within there will be that feeling of joy. You cannot buy it or get it by taking advantage of others. Or by committing crimes. The only way is by doing God’s work.**