By Penelope A. Domogo, MD

Recently, a doctor friend posted in our group chat a news report that says the healthiest source of protein is beans. “Beans and legumes are the healthiest source of protein, advisory committee member Christopher Gardner, PhD, a research professor of medicine at the Standford Prevention Research Center, told CNN. In fact, the Scientific Report of the 2025 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee is recommending that people start with eating beans, peas, and lentils before meat.” (
Why should we choose beans or legumes as our source of protein instead of meat? The reason it gave was that because beans have fiber and meat doesn’t. Meat has NO fiber. And lack of fiber in the diet is implicated in a lot of diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, colon cancer.
Fiber is the part of the plant that we eat but cannot be digested like tomato skin. In the past, scientists and nutritionists thought that because it is not absorbed by the body, it is useless. Now, of course, we know better. Just goes to show you how scientists and so-called “experts” can go wrong and that what is true today might be wrong tomorrow. Science is now saying that fiber, although indigestible, is not only important to our health, it is necessary that our daily food contain a lot of fiber.
How does fiber help our health? There are at least 3 ways. First, it provides bulk so we feel full and satisfied faster. The result is that we don’t over-eat and thus is good for weight control and health in general.
Second, because of its bulk, it fills up the intestines faster which stimulates it to move normally and thus waste material is easily evacuated as poo in more or less 24 hours. This means no constipation and thus prevents hemorrhoids and diverticular disease of the intestines. Less transit time in the intestines also means less time for harmful matter (like carcinogens or bad germs that you may have eaten) to irritate and damage the intestines. It acts like a broom of the intestines. This is why people who eat fiber-rich foods have lower colon cancer rates than red meat-eaters.
Third, fiber also slows down absorption of nutrients into the blood. Meaning a fiber-rich meal provides a steady blood sugar or energy level throughout the day. This is why camote and unpolished rice are recommended for diabetics.
Fourth, fiber traps fat in the intestines so they won’t be absorbed, thus it can help lower cholesterol levels.
Aside from the fact that beans contain fiber and meat doesn’t have, there are more reasons to eat beans instead of meat. This time it is what is present in meat that’s the problem. Meat does not only contain protein. It also contains cholesterol. Beans don’t have cholesterol. Meat that is not organic also contains growth hormones, fatteners, steroids, antibiotics and other chemicals that make the animals grow big and heavy so fast. You don’t have these in beans.
Beans are one of the easiest vegetables to grow and don’t need any additional input from us. In fact, they enrich the soil. They can be grown in flower pots, too! Beans are also so generous that a small land can yield more than what you need for the season. And the seeds can be stored naturally- just let them mature to dryness. The message is that we can have beans all throughout the seasons. In fact, farmers are able to keep the seeds until the next planting time. BTW, when we say beans, we mean all kinds of beans or legumes – white beans, red beans, black beans, munggo, pigeon peas, sweet peas, soybeans, etc.
Beans are also good for your lungs. It is one category of food that we need to take for a balanced diet. The other categories are whole grains, rootcrops, sprouts, leaves, fruit vegetables. Talking about sprouts, you can sprout the beans to give you another level of energy that is good for your liver. Amazing nature, isn’t it!
Our ancestors knew back then that beans are good for our health that’s why it is one of our staple foods that they passed on to us as well as the knowledge and skills of growing, cooking and preserving beans.
You have all the reasons to eat beans as your first choice for your protein. God is truly good! Here’s to eating more beans for a healthier us! Happy Epiphany!
“O Lord, how manifold are your works! In wisdom have you made them all..” (Psalm 104:24a) **