By Penelope A. Domogo, MD
When we say processed foods, we refer to highly-processed foods- those foods that are chemically processed and made from refined ingredients and artificial substances. They contain artificial colorings and flavorings, preservatives, thickeners, sweeteners like sugar, maltodextrin, fructose, high fructose syrup, hydrogenated oils, bulking and foaming agents, flavor enhancers like MSG (monosodium glutamate).
Examples of processed foods are refined sugar, sugar-sweetened beverages, soft drinks, sugary coffee or tea drinks, milk teas, milk (unless it’s just pasteurized), energy drinks and bars, chips, cookies, cakes, sweetened breakfast cereals, baking mixes, candies, white bread, pasta, ice cream, chocolates, actually anything made from refined flour and refined sugar. Other examples are meal replacement shakes and powders, protein shakes, margarine, sweetened cream cheese, instant soups, reconstituted meat products like hotdogs, luncheon meat. These are only examples. The easiest way to detect if what you are eating is highly processed is that you don’t recognize the plant or animal in that food. So don’t be fooled if the label says it is made from potatoes. If it has 5 or more ingredients in that package aside from potatoes, then it has artificial additives. Another way to guide you is the packaging- if it is in a colorful packaging, it is canned or bottled, chances are that food is highly-processed.
It’s Christmas season and all these processed foods from the city are flooding our stores and sidewalks – marshmallows, chocolates, candies, frozen foods. Although available all year round nowadays, the more so days before Christmas when people are in the mood for impulse-buying and binge-buying. So blessed are those who keep their cash.
Why are processed foods damaging to our health? We have been discussing the reasons why in earlier columns but I think we need to be reminded time and again, so here goes.
1. Processed foods are usually high in sugar and salt.
Sugar is a preservative and people love sweet so adding sugar to the food will ensure it’s longer shelf-life and its selling ability. By now, we know that consuming sugar in excess lowers our immunity so it makes us prone to cancer and infections including covid. It can also cause diabetes, high triglycerides, hypertension, fatty liver and many other diseases. In fact, many health authorities nowadays say refined sugar is one main factor in all modern-day diseases. Take note that brown sugar is still refined sugar. Muscovado or inti is the healthier option as it is raw sugar.
Salt is also a traditional preservative but in excess it is deadly. The problem with processed foods is that they contain both salt and sugar to come up with a yummy but deadly combination.
2. Processed foods can be addicting.
Kris Gunnars in 9 ways that Processed Foods are Harming People said, “Sugar and highly-rewarding junk foods activate the same areas in the brain as drugs of abuse like cocaine”. So many people lose control over their consumption and can’t stop eating these junk foods and sugar.
3. Processed foods have all sorts of additives, many of which are of questionable safety. When you read the ingredients of these highly-processed foods, chances are you don’t know them or can’t even pronounce them. This is because many of these ingredients are not real food. They are artificial chemicals used by manufacturers for various purposes – as preservative, colorants, flavoring, texture, etc. And not all ingredients are listed in the label. For example, artificial flavor usually means a blend of two or more chemicals. So you can imagine the artificial chemicals you are eating when you eat these processed foods. Our bodies are designed to process real food from nature, not man-made foods.
4. Processed foods are often high in simple carbohydrates.
Complex carbohydrates like rice and corn are our staple food. But when these are well-milled and subjected to chemical and mechanical processing, these become refined flour. These are simple carbohydrates which are easily swallowed and digested thus causing blood sugar levels to shoot up resulting in corresponding spikes in insulin leading to feeling hungry again… So you tend to overeat. You spend less energy to digest these foods so the more you retain excess calories. I hope you see why there are a lot of obese people now and a lot of diseases.
5. Processed foods are often high in trans-fats.
Trans-fats are said to increase saturated fats in the blood and may cause inflammation thus increasing the risk of heart disease.
6. Most processed foods are low in nutrients and fiber.
Processing removes most of the fiber and vitamins and minerals in whole foods. Fiber is important in preventing a lot of diseases like colon cancer, obesity and diabetes. You will notice that many manufacturers add vitamins and minerals and shout it in bold letters like “Calcium and Vitamin D added” in the label. Well, there’s no substitute to the real thing. Further, I bet there are far more nutrients in whole foods than what science has discovered so far.
To get enough nutrients and fiber, eat whole natural foods as much as possible. Then eat anything you fancy for Noche Buena, that is, if you like to.**
Proverbs 4:23: “Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flows the springs of life.”