LA TRINIDAD, Benguet (PIA) — The provincial government and the Provincial Inter Agency Task Force of Benguet will continue to enforce strict protocols and guidelines and the Prevent -Detect Isolate- Treat -Reintegate or PDITR strategy to ensure protection from the new COVID-19 variant.
“Despite the downtrend of COVID-19 cases in the province, there is still a need to continue to strictly observe protocols being implemented in Benguet to ensure protection and prevent the possible spread of the COVID-19 including the Delta variant and the new Omicron variant,” Governor and PIATF Chairman Melchor Diclas said.
Among the protocols that will be maintained include the 4-day wake and travel entry guidelines. Non-residents of Benguet are required to present their RT-PCR results or full vaccination card at the border checkpoints. Those without RT-PCR results or full vaccination cards are required to undergo triage in designated areas with the assistance of the Philippine National Police.
The Governor reiterated that tourists from other areas are still not allowed in Benguet. Only few local government units opened their tourist sites for local residents only and with strict adherence to prevailing minimum public health standards.
Following the placement of the province under Alert Level 2, some establishments are allowed to operate or activities undertaken at a maximum of 50% indoor venue capacity for fully vaccinated individuals and those below 18 years old even if unvaccinated and 70% capacity for outdoor venue.
It is advised that mass gatherings in residences should only belong to the same household.
Diclas stressed that the PDITR strategy is an effective measure for managing the pandemic in the province as he encouraged the public to get vaccinated to be protected against the COVID-19. Various sectors and stakeholders continue to educate and encourage the public to get vaccinated especially now with the looming threat of the potentially more transmissible Omicron variant of COVID-19.
The Omicron variant was first detected in South Africa on November 24 and has since spread globally.
To date, no case of the Omicron strain has been reported in the Philippines. **JDP/RMC –PIA CAR