BAGUIO CITY – The Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) Cordillera urges local government units (LGUs) in the region to participate in the launching of the Barangay at Kalinisan Day (BarKaDa) on September 16, 2023.
“All LGUs are expected to conduct a simultaneous clean up drive within their locality following the national launching of the BarKaDa program in Metro Manila on September 16, 2023, with the theme “Buhayin ang Diwa ng Bayanihan; Mag-volunteer Tayong Lahat para sa Kalikasan”, said Regional Director Araceli San Jose.
Adding, “We are urging all provincial, city, municipal, and barangay governments to separately conduct a clean-up drive in the different sites within their area of jurisdiction on the same day of the launching which should be participated in by their respective local government employees, partner organizations, private sector and the citizenry,” she added.
In Memorandum Circular No. 2023-133 of the DILG, BarKaDa is a nationwide community-based clean-up drive program that is anchored on the culture of bayanihan that aims to maintain and provide a healthy and safe environment for the people through proper solid waste management
RD San Jose underscored that all LGUs should ensure and support the right of the people to balance ecology and preserve the comfort and convenience of their inhabitants to promote general welfare based on the Local Government Code of 1991.
She added that all LGUs should adopt and implement a systematic, comprehensive and ecological solid waste program based on RA 9003, or the Solid Waste Management Act.
Role of the LGUs
Meanwhile, RD San Jose said that the barangays are expected to enact an ordinance or pass a resolution declaring Barangay Clean-up Day, ensure that all barangay personnel will participate in the clean-up drive, conduct an information drive to encourage the participation of the citizens, and enjoin them to observe proper solid waste management.
She said that the barangays may forge partnerships with various organizations and the private sector in the implementation of the program, identify sites for the weekly clean-up, provide materials and/or equipment needed, ensure proper waste disposal of collected wastes, and allocate funds for the conduct of the weekly clean-up drive.
Further, she said that the provinces, cities and municipalities through their Provincial/City/Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Office (P/C/MENRO) should coordinate with their component barangays to organize or participate in weekly clean-up activities at identified cleaning sites within their jurisdiction, ensure the participation of their employees, and provide additional materials and/or equipment necessary for the clean-up drive of said component barangays.
“LGUs at the provincial, city and municipal levels may also provide administrative and financial support to the barangays in the conduct of Barangay Clean-up Day and ensure the compliance of the barangays with the circular,” she said.
She also calls on the field offices of the DILG to participate in the scheduled simultaneous launching by joining clean-up drives initiated by LGUs, ensure compliance of the barangays, and submit reports as required in succeeding issuances.
RD San Jose added that the attached agencies of the Department are encouraged to participate in the launching of the activity by joining clean-up drives initiated by LGUs as well and display collateral for the national launching within the premises of their central and field offices. **DILG CAR_BLM