Four hundred forty-nine fisherfolk beneficiaries in Abra province are set to start their third cropping cycle after the distribution of 12-M worth of the Special Area for Agricultural Development Program livelihood projects.
The livelihood projects include 324 sets of aquaculture package inclusive of feeds and fingerlings benefiting 18 fisherfolk organizations. The turnover of inputs is a usual part of the intervention under the Tilapia in Pond and Fish Cage Projects that were identified for the beneficiaries specific to Abra. This took place in the Provincial Fisheries Office at Calaba, Bangued, marking the third cropping cycle of the beneficiaries under the program.
“This is already the third occasion where we have been provided with free feeds and fingerlings which had continuously helped me and my fellow members. We will strive for improved production as always, drawing from the lessons learned in our two previous cropping cycles. This assistance is invaluable, providing us with an extra source of income”, Ms. Jenalyn Bose, the sole female member of the Ganagan Fisherfolk Association of San Juan, stated during the turnover.
Whereas, President Candelario Palazon of the Isit Fisherfolk Association from Dolores also did not pass on expressing his appreciation for the free livelihood inputs provided by the program. He acknowledged that their association had experienced significant loss during their initial cropping cycle due to unforeseen calamities. However, he emphasized that these inputs had strengthened their resilience during their second cropping cycle and would continue to benefit them in their third. He affirmed their commitment to striving for improved production in this current cycle.
In an interview, President Florante Almonte Jr. of the Sumikadan ti Patiao Fisherfolk Association from Pennarubia also echoed the same sentiments, conveying gratitude for the program’s dedication to fulfilling its promises to them, the fisherfolk beneficiaries. He voiced hope for meeting their production targets this cycle, highlighting the significance of achieving these goals in advancing their journey to become an enterprise.
Regional Director Lilibeth L. Signey spearheaded the turnover of the inputs together with Abra Provincial Fishery Officer Riza P. Fidchao. SAAD Program Coordinator Michelle A. Peralta was also present. The certificates of award were received by the beneficiaries which right after, they have transported their inputs to their own project sites for fish stocking as well as storing of their feeds.
The next turnover of inputs for the remaining municipalities will transpire this July since these municipalities are anticipated to fully harvest their remaining stocks, which is still from their second cropping cycle. Right after their total harvests, they will prepare right away for their third cropping cycle.**