The Council acted expeditiously regarding our observation that some were being left out from the publication of proposed and approved ordinances of the city. So it was found out we, the ZigZag Weekly, were left out from the list of publications that published such. At least during that period covered by the list compiled by the council.
We are now the oldest local publication in the city. And during the time of Vice-Mayor Farinas onwards, we have had our fair share of publications from the council. That was until something happened. Hopefully, it was not some unholy alliance between some employees at City Hall and some publications.
Be that as it may, we do not like to live in the past. For we can rest assured participants in every anomaly anywhere will get their just desserts. If they did not get it already.
We are confident we satisfy all the requirements to be qualified to publish for the Council. From the letter we received from the Honorable Vice Mayor, one of such requirements is a PhilGeps Registration. Certainly, our good councilors do not like to run afoul with the law. That is a fair warning to publications that are not PhilGeps registered. As far as we are concerned, we are and have always been. How about the others, particularly those listed to have been publishing proposed and approved ordinances? We don’t know. Those who want to verify, it can be readily done. The result can readily show if the rule requiring PhilGeps registration had been violated with such publications.
What does it take to be the oldest publication in a community? Regularity of publication through decades and sufficient circulation to assure financial viability. **(APP)