There is a major thing that just started to happen in our solar system. It will greatly affect you and me and everybody else.
The planet Jupiter and Saturn are now at almost at right angles with each other. Or their positions will be at 90 degrees. Such an angle, if a road, would really be a sharp curve. It is not free flowing. You will have to decelerate very much if you are to make it through it in a smooth way.
Jupiter is the planet signifying good luck and is carefree in many ways. But Saturn, the taskmaster of the universe is hovering around. He calls for discipline and seriousness. Otherwise, he will teach you valuable life lessons through hardships, frustrations, pain, etc. He signifies hard work, and going by the rules. No shortcuts. He is like the mountain goat that patiently navigates an almost vertical cliff. It looks impossible to climb, particularly by an animal with slippery hoofs. But he does it slowly, surely, patiently, in a determined way. After some considerable time, he is on top of the mountain. People with such characteristics always end up successful or in leadership capacities.
On the other hand Jupiter, the happy go-lucky person relies on positive thinking or optimism. Life for him is an adventure. He takes risks and often gets away with it. With his intellect, he philosophizes and would take time to play and crack jokes along the way. He is never boring to be with. He is witty and could talk his way out of difficult situations. He can come up with grand plans and ideas.
This year, however, Jupiter will not get things done so easily. He will have to go by the rules of discipline of Saturn. He will have to exert effort or some industry. If not, the results will be frustrations, failures and a lot of pain to be endured.
Yes, everything this year will take some doing. The key words should be being careful or cautious and conservative.
After a year, the difficult angle of the planets’ energies would ease as the distance between them would increase. Things would become easier.
Where is the source of the energies of the planets? Just like anything else in the universe, everything comes from the limitless universal force, or God, if you will.**