The winds of war are upon us. As this is being written, warships and a submarine of Russia are sailing towards the Black Sea for some war games. Earlier, Russia had already stationed hundreds of thousands of troops around Crimea, Belarus and nearby areas. They are already on the doorstep of Ukraine. Anytime, Russia can invade and it would be the end of Ukraine as we knew it. The latest warning from Russia, “We will use nuclear weapons.”
What does that have to do with us in the Cordillera?
It will bring us hardships. The kinds only war can bring.
There will be disruption of oil supply and that will economically set us back by many decades. As if we will be quarantined in our localities. Traveling would be difficult, almost impossible, if petroleum products would become scarce.
Produce and industrial outputs would not be transported easily, if at all. Prices of everything will go sky high.
While the covid-19 pandemic obliterated a lot of businesses, many of those still surviving would be finished off by war.
We will be forced to live on the most basic necessities. While we appreciated backyard gardening during the pandemic, we will appreciate it a lot more if a full scale war or a world war with the use of nuclear weapons will happen. .
Boys and the spoiled brats will become men in no time. Formal education will become so difficult and the intellectual progress of the youth will again be stunted as it did during this pandemic.
The key to survival will be resourcefulness. Without that, which entails some fighting spirit, you will be one of those who will be almost helpless, at the mercy of stronger ones and those luckier who always land in better circumstances.
We would be forced also to pray. And perhaps that might be the reason why such dire circumstances would be foisted on us.
How we wish we will be proven so wrong.**