In a strict or even totalitarian regime, its downfall is usually caused by the abuses of law enforcers and the military. The ego of these armed officers would get bloated and would think they owned the country or certain localities. But those in power tolerate them to keep the citizens in line, that is, meek and dumb or obedient—or better still, scared to complain much more protest.
Sooner or later, however, the people would not take the abuses and the regime would fall, the rulers would be hightailing it to other countries that could give them refuge.
So it was a disappointing news the other day that only less than 100 police officers were found guilty as charged by the internal affairs. Surely thousands and thousands of police officers are wielding their powers in abusive ways. Without a very strict discipline being required of them, the problem will worsen and worsen until the powers-that-be will suddenly find out they are facing an enraged citizenry.
With PDu30’s announcement of impending revolutionary changes which he assured will not include Martial Law but which people find hard to believe, there is a gnawing fear many of our freedoms will be curtailed. For his presidency not to end prematurely, he has to prevent the people’s rising up in revolt. This could only happen if the police and the military are not abusive.
So what do we, the people, want to see? A very strict discipline must be enforced on the military and the police and we can only believe that such is being enforced if we see thousands and thousands of armed officer being disciplined or dismissed by their respective internal affairs sections or their equivalents.**