Many of us our again going crazy over the coming bout of our Pambansang Kamao. The national media will go on a frenzy. But, the question is, will we be again disappointed as the last time?
In his last about in Australia, he could have easily routed his much younger, very aggressive opponent. But he was kinda sluggish. He was not the Manny Pacquiao we used to know. Though he managed to make his opponent’s face black, blue and like a smashed pumpkin or watermelon, the score cards went to the Aussie’s favor.
For the evidence were clear. Manny Pacquiao was not young anymore. Not for international boxing anyway. Not only that. He was already a politician, a senator, and the parties, the cocktails, or the good life have obviously taken their toll. Add to that the fact that he was not hungry anymore for fame. Whatever you call it, Manny Pacquiao was not a nobody anymore, he was already a senator, and the unhealthy good life of the moneyed and famous must have zapped his athletic energy away.
But he went for that last fight or even sought it. Was it for the big money or was it because of hubris or ego or pride? He must have thought that he could still beat anybody.
And so here’s again his coming fight. Doesn’t he have enough money he has to risk again being humiliated? Or the better question might be, “Did he squander his money through an egoistic lifestyle?”
What he should consider is that the years have passed already. He is no young anymore. It is just accepting the truth.
Well, humans that we are, our pride often blurs our vision that we can not even see what are right there on our faces.**