Invitations were sent out to editors to cover the public consultation process of the committee here in Baguio City come June 25 and 26, 2018. The event is supposed to get more feedback on the proposed charter change to establish a federal form of government.
Here are the questions we will raise. What safeguards will be instituted to address the possibility of strong local politicians lording it over in the federal states like they owned the respective states that they rule. Since these are smaller territories it will be easier to establish dictatorships. This will denigrate the well-known truism on a democracy—”OURS IS A GOVERNMENT OF LAWS AND NOT OF MEN”— enunciated in that US case, Marbury vs. Madison, 5 U.S. (1 Cranch) 137 (1803).
Part of maintaining democracy will be ensuring the independence of the judiciary which means justices will not be appointed haphazardly out of politlcal considerations but mainly on the merits; that they will not be easily removed thru a quo warranto proceeding but only thru impeachment.
Another would be on a possible constitutional provision to address the main problem of this country on the poverty of the vast majority. As is often said, this country is rich but 90% of its wealth is concentrated in the hands of about three dozen families only. So the problem is on the distribution of the wealth.
An equitable distribution of the nation’s wealth can only be attained if our anti-trust laws and their implementation are not a joke to avoid monopolies, or so that opportunities can be spread out.
Juxtaposed with such should be the implementation of measures to empower the masses economically and politically.
For economic empowerment, cooperative formation should be massively promoted and implemented. Likewise, micro and small enterprises must be financially supported with considerable amounts (not with measly amounts being given out now) to enable families to attain economic independence.
As to political empowerment, a better educational system must be achieved. For over the years our educational system deteriorated. So much so that voters cannot even appreciate that voting for an incompetent and corrupt candidate will result in more sufferings for them.
All of these must be sufficientlyaddressed in a constitution establishing a federal form of government.**