For the nth time, “too good to be true” was shown no to be true. Yet scams happen every time.
If you are reading this, chances are you are not one of those victimized. That means your awareness is better than many others. It could have been developed having read a lot of circumstances where people with brains fell victims to such scams.
Is it stupidity? We are not ready to say that. For we have seen intelligent people like judges, doctors, accountants, and lawyers having been victimized.
So what made them throw away caution to the wind and plunk big money into such schemes?
Sad to say, not too many people are readers. Even so-called professionals. So they miss a lot of events happening everywhere that they could have learned from.
Or is it because of greed? The desire to make a fast buck. While everybody has some greediness lurking in their systems, many would not allow it to get the better of themselves. They still remain rational whenever the weakness surfaces.
Self-control is the key. Of course, easier said than done. Yet effort must be exerted.
Credit must be given to the perpetrators of such scams. They can be said to be masters of manipulation. With sweet words, they can make people part with their hard-earned money and wager them away to kingdom come.
And they repeat the scheme again and again. And we fall victims to such again and again.
Will we be able to control ourselves when the next temptation comes around?
The remedy is to get back to that word again, self-control. Self-control and still more self-control.
How to develop it? There are innumerable ways but the first step is to accept that you have the weakness. Then you just have to be objective and find the remedy that works best for you. Otherwise, seek professional help.**