The dismissal of the impeachment case against Comelec Chairman Bautista raises the question, “What’s the deal?” That is, the behind the scenes deal?
It is the same question when something unexpected happens from the very top of government to the lowest barangays such as regarding the contracting out of their small infrastructure and other projects.
Practicing lawyers whose favorite words in court are “Your Honor” are always involved in deals regarding their cases, sometimes with the complicity of the judges.
In the case of Comelec Chairman Bautista, the following questions surface: “Was there a deal on the financial claims of his estranged wife? Will he resign in a few days which was really the reason behind the dismissal of the impeachment case? Will there be proof of, or will he testify as to, any anomaly during the last elections? Etc.
Everywhere there are behind the scenes deals about which the people are not being informed. In short, the highest ranking people in this country are practically lying to us. Especially when there are financial considerations involved such as illegal commissions of those in power.
On page 4 of this issue is an article on the foundations of spirituality. One of these is benevolent truthfulness. It means that those who seek to enter the gates of Heaven have to be truthful in all their dealings. The only exception is when telling the truth might result in a grave consequence such as the possibility of a wife suffering from a heart attack if informed of the philandering of her husband. In that case, the telling of the truth might have to be postponed to a later date when it would be safe to her health.
In the case of this country, however, while we have no pretensions of being seriously religious, the lying is so widespread that in almost all cases we are not aware on why the government is being run the way it is. In short, we as a country are so screwed up that there is really no transparency regarding the considerations on government decisions.
Without transparency, much less honesty, in government or in running the ship of state, the citizenry is alienated so we don’t really care. Unconsciously, this results in individualism, not nationalism. Ever wondered why we are a poor country?**